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Join the "Awesome Eyes" 

Student Vision Program here!

Awesome Eyes is a new program created by Dr. Rosenak's Optical Options geared toward helping families recognize and diagnose vision problems early for school-aged children.

Why aren’t in-school vision screenings enough?

  • Too brief

  • Not comprehensive enough

  • Not designed to catch eye problems

What problems could this cause?

  • Difficulty paying attention in class or completing assignments.

  • Stress related to going to school, which can affect social relationships, performance and physical health.

  • Higher risk of “giving up” on school work due to vision problems, headaches, and the inability to focus.

  • Permanent vision damage or even loss can result if eye problems are untreated.

Families who participate in the new Awesome Eyes program will receive:

  • $68 Eye Exam, including retinal photography

  • Regular reminders for eye exams

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Woodlawn Shopping Center Belt and Beck

2229 North  Belt Hwy, St Joseph, MO 64506


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